Blackjack, or twenty-one, is a popular casino game in Nigeria. The objective of the game is to beat the dealer by obtaining a score that is closest to twenty-one. To start the game, players are limited to a maximum of seven players and the dealer. Each player is dealt two cards, with the dealer receiving one card face up and the other card face down.
Play begins to the left of the dealer, with each player either choosing to hit (receive another card) or stand (stick with their current score). The dealers ‘hit’ option is determined automatically, with the dealer obliged to hit until his score is at least seventeen. After each players turn is complete, the dealer takes his turn.
A player wins the hand if their score is higher than the dealers score but not over twenty-one. Players can also win if the dealer busts (goes over twenty-one) by any amount. In addition, players that obtain a score of twenty-one (21) or blackjack, will be rewarded with one and a half times their bet amount.