Mahjong in Luxembourg is played with a set of 144 Chinese dominoes, also known as tiles, which are divided into two groups, namely, the Cībǎi, which consists of 36 pieces, and the Shǔyǔbas, which consist of 36 pieces. All tiles are separated into four sets of 36 tiles each. Different groups are reflections of the same patterns.
Players need to form four walls with their tiles in a clockwise manner before the round of play begins. The walls should have 34 tiles each. A dice is then rolled and the matching tile (marked with the same number) from the wall is used as the starting tile.
Players should then take turns picking up tiles from the wall and adding them to their own stack. Using the discarded tiles, players should form a set of their own. They can form either triplets, sequences, pure triplets or quadruplet sequences. The winner should then release an exposed set of either three or four consecutive tiles, as stated above. The player with the highest score formed from all these sequences and triplets wins the game.