Pai Gow is an ancient Chinese game, so rules are quite difficult and complicated. The game of Pai Gow is a two-player game played with 32 marbles. In Lithuania, Pai Gow is played on a table with a flat surface. The pai gow playing board is divided into four vertical rows, each row divided into four squares. Each of the four vertical rows is labelled with a different suit from the standard French-style card deck: hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades.
Each marble is numbered 1 through 32 and is placed in the appropriate square in the Pai Gow board. The game is composed of different rounds, each one with a different set of rules that the players must follow. The players roll the middle three marbles first, and the suit of the marble that lands closest to the middle of the board indicates which suit is being played. Then each player throws all three of their marbles along the board, and the lowest rolling marble wins the round.
The fourth marble is called the banker marble, and if it lands in the outer row then the banker marbles rotate between each player. This means that the players must compete both for the low marble and the banker positions. The round is over when someone throws the bankmarble into the outer row.