There are several different types of wagers that players can make in Sic Bo, each offering different chances of winning in different ways. Some of the most common wagers in Sic Bo include Big, Small, Total, One Dice, Two Dice, Three Dice, Triple, and Any Triple.
The Big and Small wager is the simplest bet in Sic Bo. Players bet on whether the three dice will total between 11 and 17 (big) or 4 and 10 (small). If the dice total is 3 or 18, it is classed as a loss.
The Total wager is another simple bet. Players can choose to bet on the exact total of the three dice which can range from 3 to 18. This is a single-roll bet, meaning the outcome is determined on the first roll.
Players can also choose to bet on a specific number with the One Dice, Two Dice, Three Dice bet. In the one dice bet, players bet on the total of one dice, in two dice on the total of two dice, and in three dice on the total of three dice.
Three specific numbers can also be bet on. This is the Triple wager where players pick a number from 1-6 and at least two of the dice must show the same number in order for the wager to be successful. If only one die shows the chosen number, then the bet is lost.
Lastly, players can place an Any Triple bet where the goal is to roll at least two dice that show the same number. It is similar to the Triple wager, only this bet pays out a higher return.