Texas Holdem is a poker game that is played with two cards face-down and five community cards face-up in both small and big bets. There are various variations of the Texas Holdem game, which are considered among the most popular in Ethiopia.
The popular variations of this game are the No-Limit Texas Holdem, Pot Limit Texas Holdem, Fixed Limit Texas Holdem, Mixed Texas Holdem, Shootout Texas Holdem, and Badugi Texas Holdem.
No Limit Texas Holdem is a common variation of poker preferred by many Ethiopians. It is similar to the standard poker except for one difference; players can bet as much as in pot, as long as they have chips.
Pot Limit Texas Holdem is another popular variation of the Texas Holdem game. As the name (pot limit) implies, in Pot Limit Texas Holdem, players can bet up to the amount that is currently in the pot.
The Fixed Limit Texas Holdem, also simply referred to as Limit Holdem, is another popular variation of the Texas Holdem game. Here, players are only allowed to bet a fixed amount based on the limit of the table.
Mixed Texas Holdem is a very creative variation of the game. This version of Texas Holdem combines different forms of betting, such as limit and no-limit, so players can alternate between betting styles as the game progresses.
Shootout Texas Holdem is a version of the game where each table is its own tournament. Players are required to start with the same amount of chips, and the last remaining player at the end of a round is the winner and can then take part in the next table.
Badugi Texas Holdem is an exciting variation of the game that is similar to the Draw poker. In Badugi Texas Holdem, players are only allowed to draw three cards. Players are not allowed to draw more than one card from the same suit, and so it makes it more difficult to make a strong hand.