Holdem is a shared card game, meaning that all players use the same community cards. It is played with deck of 52 cards. Each hand consists of two hole cards, provided face-down to the individual players, and five community cards, revealed over the course of the game.
Firstly, each player is required to place a small blind and a big blind, before each hand is dealt. This is standard practice at all private and commercial card tables. After the blinds have been placed, all players receive two hole cards, face down.
The players will go through four rounds of betting, starting with the player to the left of the big blind. During each round players can call, check, fold, raise or go all-in. If more than one player is still in the game after the fourth betting round, the winning hand is determined by the best five-card combination. The two hole cards and the five community cards will help players to attain the best possible hand.