A Craps table is typically staffed by four dealers and the shooter must place the bet with the dealers. On the come out roll, the shooter throws the two dice and if the total of the dice is a seven or eleven, the shooter wins. However, if the total is a two, three or twelve the shooter loses. Any other total then becomes the “point number”.
If a point is rolled then the shooter will continue throwing the dice until he or she rolls the same point number again to win the bet or a seven to lose the bet. A pass line bet pays even money, so if the initial bet is €1 and the point is rolled the winnings are €1.
In addition, there are many other bets that can be made on a craps table. The other types of bets are classified as: “Come Bets”, “Don’t Come Bets”, “Hard Way” bets, “Any Craps” bets and field bets.