Texas Holdem is typically the version of poker that is most widely played. It is so popular that it has become a staple of many online poker sites, and is thus available to play at a variety of different online casinos and sites across Cambodia. To start a game of Texas Holdem, the traditional way of beginning a poker game must be followed. That is, each player is dealt two face down cards, commonly referred to as 'hole' cards.
The first round of betting takes place after the players receives their hole cards. The game then continues in a clockwise formation, starting with the player to the left of the dealer. This player can either call, raise, or fold. Following this, the three ‘community’ cards are dealt, which everyone can use to form their hands.
After the community cards are dealt, another round of betting takes place, and if more than one player is still involved in the pot, the game moves onto the next and final stage - the ‘showdown’. In a showdown, all remaining players must place their best five-card hand onto the board, using their two private cards and the five community cards. The player with the best ‘hand’ wins the pot and the game is over.